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[F-31]Temporal Slip

NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 02, 2015 6:39 pm
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Temporal Slip
Type: Event Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 2
Game Text:
Disrupt: After an icon struggle effect resolves, choose an icon struggle. Resolve that struggle as if you had won it.
Set: TKatG
Number: 31
Illustrator: Alice Duke

Con esta carta hemos tenido algunas dudas por Barcelona. La carta se puede jugar después de que se resuelva una lucha de iconos... la pregunta es qué significa exactamente resolver una lucha de iconos.

PREGUNTA: We are resolving a Story. My opponent doesn't have any character committed. I win struggle Terror, but no character go insane. I win combat struggle, but no character go wounded. I win arcane and investigation struggle, but I don't ready a character and don't play a success token at the history. Can my opponent can play Temporal Slip? I am not sure if resolve a struggle is apply its effect, or resolve a struggle is count character's icons
RESPUESTA: Resolving a struggle is counting up all the icons on both sides of all characters committed to a story and determining whether someone won, lost, or tied, and then enacting the result of the struggle if there was a winner. Temporal Slip can be played.

Resolver una historia es contar los iconos de todos los personajes asignados a una historia, y determinar si alguien ha ganado, perdido o empatado. De manera, que aunque ambos jugadores no tengan por ejemplo iconos de terror... al contar que ambos suman cero de terror ya se habrá resuelto la lucha de terror.