[KS-Invictus-Ingles]De Horrore Cosmico

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Re: [KS-Invictus-Ingles]De Horrore Cosmico

Notapor sectario el Dom Oct 12, 2014 11:39 am

El mecenazgo para el suplemento de Cthulhu Invictus De Horrore Cosmico le quedan 31 minutos para finalizar, y ha sobrepasado los 25.000$, liberando el Stretch Goal V ($25,000 UNLOCKED!!!!!), Patrone, mi Patrone. Esto supone añader entre 20-30 páginas al suplemento.

También informan que la portada de Tales of Cthulhu Invictus será a todo color, y que el ilustrador Alberto Guerra ya ha comenzado con la ilustración final.
Registro en sectarios.org: Enviame un correo a marcoa.ramirez arroba gmail.com
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Cordura 0 Mitos Cthulhu 25
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Registrado: Lun Oct 22, 2007 8:54 pm
Ubicación: Observando los Mi-go de Montserrat.

Re: [KS-Invictus-Ingles]De Horrore Cosmico

Notapor sectario el Dom Oct 12, 2014 9:47 pm

El mecenazgo ha finalizado con $26,105 recaudados. Así que el siguiente Stretgh goal ha quedado bastante lejos de conseguirse, por desgracia eran tres aventuras adicionales.

Por otra parte, han publicado The Nemesis Papers #2

"The Nemesis Papers #2": mostrar
Kindred of Vengeance: This powerful divination allows the caster to possibly locate an ally in their quest for vengeance against their sworn enemy. The spell requires the caster sacrifice nine doves with their bare hands. The spell costs the caster 6 MP points and 1D6 sanity points. Once the ritual is complete the caster falls into a trance for one hour. If another individual who also harbors deep hatred for the caster’s sworn enemy is within 10 miles the caster receives a vision of that person, and a rough idea of their distance and direction. If there is no one meeting those criteria within the spell’s range the caster gains no insight.


If such a person is within the spell’s range the caster now knows what they look like, their approximate distance and direction and is free to seek them out. Who this person is and why they also hate their sworn enemy remains a mystery. The caster may then seek this person out. The caster has no sway over this individual who may not even be willing to help them. However, if the caster is careful and persuasive they may just find someone with as deep a desire for revenge as they have and possibly gain an ally in their quest for revenge.

Example: Cassius was ruined. Lucius Creticus purchased the lands up river from his and diverted the course of the stream they shared. Cassius’ crops failed, his debt grew, and he was forced to sell most everything he owned. His protests came to naught as Creticus was wealthy and powerful. Cassius sworn to Nemesis, the inescapable dark faced goddess of justice, to grant him vengeance. He felt powerless as he drowned his sorrows with cheap wine in a filthy tavern when suddenly a stranger in a dark hood sat down across from him. The man said, “Friend, let me buy the next round and we’ll have a nice chat. I have a feeling we are going to be fast friends.”

“Sod off. Do I look like I’m in the mood to make a friend?”

The man smiled, “But we have so much in common…”

Cassius slammed his fist into the table. “Like What?!”

The stranger whispered, “We both want to see that pig Creticus get what’s coming to him.”

Cassius slowly returned the smile. “I suppose another drink couldn’t hurt. My name’s Cassius, what’s yours?”
Registro en sectarios.org: Enviame un correo a marcoa.ramirez arroba gmail.com
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Cordura 0 Mitos Cthulhu 25
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Registrado: Lun Oct 22, 2007 8:54 pm
Ubicación: Observando los Mi-go de Montserrat.

Re: [KS-Invictus-Ingles]De Horrore Cosmico

Notapor sectario el Jue Abr 16, 2015 6:42 pm

Como suele suceder con los mecenazgos, la cosa va con algo de retraso. Pero han informado que ya tienen todo el arte del suplemento: mapas, ayudas e ilustraciones. Han colgado alguna imagen para ir haciendo boca



Registro en sectarios.org: Enviame un correo a marcoa.ramirez arroba gmail.com
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Cordura 0 Mitos Cthulhu 25
Mensajes: 10295
Registrado: Lun Oct 22, 2007 8:54 pm
Ubicación: Observando los Mi-go de Montserrat.


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