Ventas del sistema GumSHOE

Los Mitos de Cthulhu adaptados al sistema GumShoe

Ventas del sistema GumSHOE

Notapor sectario el Mar Mar 03, 2009 11:47 pm

Una curiosidad, el gráfico se corresponde a fecha 2009-02-27


Este es un gráfico de las ventas acumuladas de los cinco productos más vendidos GUMSHOE hasta la fecha. Mutant City Blues ha vendido en las primeras dos semanas aproximadamente tantos como había vendido Esoterroristas durante cinco meses. Por lo visto Esoterroristas fue difícil de vender a los mayoristas en un principio, ya que era un sistema nuevo no probado

Según comentan El Rastro aún sigue aumentando. Mientras que si mantienen las ventas de Esoterroristas, el stock se les agotaría en un par de años (¿una segunda edición para entonces?)

Como curiosidad, los libros de aventuras se venden en un 30-35% respecto al básico en todas las líneas de GUMSHOE.

Pongo el texto integro en ingles, he de admitir que en algunas frases no estoy seguro del significado :oops:

This is a graph of cumulative sales just through distribution for the five best selling GUMSHOE products to date. Mutant City Blues has sold in the first two weeks about as many as Esoterrorists had by month five. Note the slow build up of Eso - it was very hard to persuade distributors to stock Eso in depth, as it was a new, untried system. I had to phone them a couple of times to get them to stock a decent amount.

The later products had better pre-orders and then a shallow increase. Distributors are still very conservative - some will only stock the exact pre-order amount they've received from retailers. With Mutant City Blues this has happened again, and now after two weeks, three major warehouses are out of stock of MCB at prime buying time. It's a little frustrating. I won't know for three months if MCB will live up to these relatively large retailer expectations, or if it will quickly flatten out.

Trail sales have yet to flatten noticeably. If it follows the Eso curve, I'll run out of stock in a couple of years.

Other interesting data - our early adventures sell consistently between 30 and 35% of the total core book sales across all lines. Our later material (and I only have Dying Earth to go on) sell significantly less. I have reason to believe that Trail and Eso supplement percentages will hold up better than Dying Earth, and I think the Esoterror Fact Book will be the proof of the pudding. It could be that the percentage just naturally falls off with the age of the core book, though, and there's nothing I can do about it. The super-sweet spot is to have sold enough of the core book that you can litho print your supplements. I've nearly reached it with Trail. I had to do that with the Screen, but whether I'll sell them all I don't know. Shadows Over Filmland is a bit of a gamble as a duotone hard back, but it had to be that for aesthetic reasons. I just hope the sales warrant it.

Por otra parte, por lo visto están preparando una gran campaña de El Rastro de Cthulhu, que englobará escenarios alrededor del mundo. Por lo visto sería de unas 400 páginas
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