CthulhuTech V2 - The Shadow War

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CthulhuTech V2 - The Shadow War

Notapor sectario el Mar Sep 22, 2015 6:55 pm

Para mi sorpresa, están preparando una segunda edición de CthulhuTech. Esta nueva edición supondrá que el libro de CthulhuTech será dividido en dos libros: The Shadow War y The Aeon War.

Está abierto el periodo de pruebas de juego, que se centra en The Shadow War. Se proporcionan los cuatro principales Tagers. Hay una creación de personajes que se ha limpiado, ampliado respecto a la versión anterior. Ahora es posible construir tu propio Tager. También se han pulido las reglas, haciendolas diferentes aunque siguen con la misma sensación que da el Framewerk.

La Open Beta acaba en 30 de Octubre (2015). La intención es liberar el libro para vacaciones. Solicitan ayuda para limar las asperezas antes de publicar el libro final.

Siguiendo los comentarios de la comunidad, The Shadow War se centra en lo maravilloso de ser un héroe de una guerra encubierta. Esperan que esta versión sea atractiva a un mayor rango de jugadores.

En la versión actual, la de prueba, se han eliminado las imágenes, así que es normal observar recuadros en blanco. También se han eliminado algunas páginas porque no están aún finalizadas. El documento actual se irá actualizando según reciban las opiniones de los jugadores

Para CthulhuTech V2 están usando Creative Commons.

"CthulhuTech V2 Open Beta": mostrar
    WildFire LLC
    CthulhuTech V2 Open Beta

Welcome to the Open Beta for CthulhuTech V2: The Shadow War. This packet should be everything you need in order to play the new edition of the game. This is your opportunity to help us fne-tune and shape the new iteration of CthulhuTech – one we're very excited about.

V2 will be split up into two core books, The Shadow War and The Aeon War. This playtest package focuses on The Shadow War, and provides the four main Tagers. Character creation has been cleaned up and greatly expanded from the previous edition, right down to being able to build your Tager. The rules have been cleaned up overall, and play diferently while still feeling like Framewerk.

Open Beta will end on October 30th, 2015, after which we'll fnalize the book and release it for the holidays. We'd like you to help us fle of the rough edges before we go to press.

We've heard the feedback from the community, so the Shadow War focuses on the awesomeness of being an occult super-hero, while leaving the more controversial subject matter to implication or the desires of individual groups. We feel that this will make V2 accessible to a greater cross-section of players.

The Packet
In this Open Beta packet, you'll receive a copy of the V2 core rules, a FrienDA, and some guidelines for providing feedback. We'll periodically update the core rules as feedback comes in and changes need to be made.

In Development
You're receiving fles that are in development. We've removed the art and page designs, which is why you'll see white-space that seems to serve no purpose. Some pages have been cut out, because they're not ready yet. As a PDF, the text might appear large, but that's because the fnished size of the book is 6” x 9”, and not the folio-sized 8.5” x 11”. The book will become more and more complete as we receive feedback and continue development, and you'll receive an e-mail when new fles are available.

Social Media Guidelines
Since this project is in Open Beta, we want you to share your CthulhuTech V2 experiences on-line. You can feel free to post about your game on Facebook, Twitter, our SubReddit forums, or other places. You can even share this Open Beta packet, though those who receive it from you won't get the automatic updates from DriveThru.

The FrienDA
A normal NDA would prevent you from posting to social media about any aspect of V2, and we don't want that. We're using the less-formal NDA. Basically, this states that if you do something that actually damages the development of CthulhuTech V2, we'll come and smack you in the ways outlined in the document. Make sure to sign, scan, and send back to us your FrienDA, and get them from everyone you play with –e-mail to custserv@wildfrellc.com.

We will be using a Creative Commons license for V2, which basically means that people will be able to share freely as long as we are properly credited, that material may be altered or remixed, though people can't charge for what they create. We still retain the copyright, but with these more open options. However, this license will not take efect until we formally launch the product. This does mean that you can start working on your Creative Commons ideas now, so that you can be the frst in line when that times comes.

Y cuelgo también las preguntas de las que esperan los comentarios de los que deseen hacer de jugadores de prueba
    WildFire LLC
    CthulhuTech V2 Open Beta
As part of playtesting, we'll need you to communicate your feedback in a timelyfashion. Since we're looking to build buzz about V2, we'd like you to post your feedback in a public forum, on our new SubReddit. It can be found at:

Here are some general guidelines for feedback:

  • Feedback should be positive. We like constructive criticism.
  • Feedback should be timely. That means get it to us as soon as you
  • Feedback should be specific and actionable. "I don't like this"
    doesn't give us much to go on.

Here are things we'd like you to assess:
  • New Tone
    • Do you find the tone of the writing to be friendly and accessible?
    • Are things clear?
    • Does it focus on the coolness of being an occult superhero well,
      without losing its edge?
  • Character Creation
    • Is the template-driven system easy to use, flavorful, and
    • Do you have a useful and powerful enough Character when
      you're done?
    • Do the races feel balanced?
    • Are the roleplaying suggestions for races flavorful and useful?
    • Is the process clear?
    • Did we miss something?
  • Skills
    • Do the prerequisites for Skills work?
    • Are the Skill list and listings clear and useful?
  • Qualities
    • Do the Qualities feel balanced?
    • Are the narrative names flavorful and appropriate?
    • Do the Qualities all feel useful and like viable choices?
  • Talents
    • Are basic Talents flavorful and useful?
    • Do they all feel like viable choices?
    • Do they feel balanced?
  • Advancement
    • Does the new advancement system feel impactful?
    • Are you leveling your Character at a good pace?
    • Is the split between Character and Power Advances useful and
  • Basic Rules
      o Does the change in the way dice pools work feel streamlined and
      easy to use?
    • Does the static Difficulty, combined with dice pool adds or
      minuses instead of modifiers, feel streamlined and easy to use?
    • Do the basic rules for Tests work and are they all useful?
    • Do Drama Points feel genre-appropriate?
    • Do Drama Points feel impactful?
  • Conflict
      o Does the new Action Point system make combat interesting and
    • Are the rules for combat clear and usable?
    • Is combat lethal and genre-appropriate?
    • Are the rules for Fear clear and useful?
    • Are Fear Effects impactful?
    • Are Fear Effects too dangerous?
    • Is Insanity clear and useful?
    • Are the rules for Insanity 11-20 useful and cool?
    • Do all the rules seem necessary?
    • Did we miss something?
  • Tagers
    • Do the core four Tagers feel balanced?
    • Do the Tager types feel distinct?
    • Does each Tager feel like it has a natural role, but is still flexible?
    • Are you happy with the process of generating your Tager?
    • Do the suggestions for roleplaying your Tager seem useful and appropriate?
    • Are the recommendations for building your Tager useful?
    • Are the rules for symbionts, partial-shifting, and the effects of Insanity on your control over them cool and useful?
    • Do you feel like your symbiont is an "other," rather than just a shell you can assume?

Para descargar el material, está disponible en drivethrurpg
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